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PCSB presents the first month-long recreational bouldering competition – Boulder Mania.

Starting from September 1st, our bouldering wall will feature 100 fresh boulder problems suitable for all levels. You have until October 1st to climb as many problems as possible and enter your results into the Scorecard app.

The best climbers in each category will compete in an epic final on October 5th, where the top performers will be awarded generous prizes. All participants also have a chance to win practical prizes in a raffle.

The competition is divided into three categories:

  • Junior (born in 2012 or later)
  • Youth (born in 2011 or later)
  • Adults (born in 2008 or earlier)


We wish you the best of luck in climbing, solving problems, and reaching the peaks!


1. General Rules
  • The competition takes place on the bouldering wall at the Climbing Center Slovenska Bistrica.
  • The competition is open to everyone, regardless of age or experience.
  • Qualifications run from September 1st to October 1st. The semifinals and finals will be held on October 5th.
  • There is no special entry fee for participating in the competition. To participate, you need to purchase a climbing ticket at the Climbing Center Slovenska Bistrica.

2. Categories

Competitors will be categorized based on age and gender. Prizes will be awarded in each category.

  •  Junior (born in 2012 or later)
    The winner will be announced after the qualification rounds.

  • Youth (born in 2011 or later)
    The top 16 from the qualifications will advance to the semifinals. The winner is determined after the semifinal round.

  • Adults (born in 2008 or earlier)
    The top 16 from the qualifications will advance to the semifinals, and then the top 5 to the finals.

3. Qualifications
  • Competitors climb 100 boulders, marked with numbers. The youth category has 40 boulders available, and the children’s category has 20. The boulders are appropriately marked.
  • Results are recorded through the online platform To log your climbs, create an account on the Vertical Life app. Physical scorecards for recording results can be picked up at the climbing center reception.
  • Each time you successfully complete a boulder, record it on your scorecard and in the Scorecard app.
  • Each boulder problem is worth 1000 points. These 1000 points are divided among the number of competitors who complete the boulder. (Example: Boulder no. 36 was completed by 42 competitors. 1000 ÷ 42 = 23.8. Each of the 42 competitors receives 23.8 points.)
  • All results must be entered in the Scorecard app by October 1st at 23:59. Late submissions will not be considered.

4. Semifinals and Finals
  • The semifinals and finals will take place at the climbing center on October 5th.
  • The top 16 competitors in the Youth and Adult categories from the qualification round will advance to the semifinals. In the semifinals, 10 boulders will be climbed. Participants will enter their results in the Scorecard app.
  • The finals are only for the adult category and are divided into male and female competitions. The top 5 men and top 5 women who accumulate the most points in the semifinals advance to the finals. In the finals, competitors climb 3 boulders, with a maximum of 3 attempts per boulder. A judge scores the finals using the following system: the number of attempts to reach the zone and the number of attempts to reach the top.

5. Prizes
  • The top three in each category will receive prizes, which will be awarded at the final event on October 5th.

6. Legal Terms
  • All competitors must be registered at the Climbing Center Slovenska Bistrica and have a signed safety waiver.
  • Competitors participate at their own risk.
  • By participating in the competition, you agree that your photos may be used for event promotion on social media and online.

For any questions or assistance during the competition, please contact the climbing center staff or email